Friday, April 15, 2011


Shall we share?


  1. Hello m'dear! i was reading your fabulous interview and i realized, my father intorduced my art as well! although it was not visual art, but the art i practice now as an actress, i could not pass up the opportunity to share a similarity with one of my fellow enlightenment artists! So did your father introduce you into visual arts or your singing?

  2. Bonjour Mlle. Maupin. There are indeed many similarities between the two of us. Of course we are both from France, and we both worked for our country's royalty, but naturally, there is more than that. I am a playwright and you are an actress. We are also both musicians, although that is not our primary profession.

    Au Revoir,


  3. To my lovely Sarah. My father introduced me to visual art but I didn't practice that

  4. Guten tag. We are similar in that we love our art and we are exceptional at it. You are an amazing opera singer and i write amazing operas! Hah hah hah. Auf Wiedersehen.
