Friday, April 15, 2011


Variety is the spice of life!!


  1. Well, La Maupin, there are also differences between the two of us. You are primarily a performer, while I am a writer. You also had a much rougher life than I had; there were challenges that you had to face because of your sex that I obviously did not have. Once I had achieved fame, I stayed fairly high up in society. Unfortunately for you, this was not the case. You also had quite a different act, with your fantastic singing and sword fighting, than I ever did. Although we do have differences, I think if we ever met we would get along fine, mon amour.


  2. Guten tag. The most obvious difference between us is that i play and write music and you sing it. But also you had a much different. Mine wasn't as exciting as yours or as challenging. Other than my success i didnt have much other drama while you did. You've had many love affairs and i had only one wife, but had been previously in love with her sister and our marriage was unhappy. Auf Wiedersehen.
